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Be a Role Model

awareness goals role model Jan 27, 2023

How often do we need to work on ourselves through personal development? If you answered daily, then you...are...CORRECT! 

So often, we can get caught in our own downward spirals, and we get down on ourselves. We never want to be here: 

Whatever you're doing, just know that people are watching you. Who in your life is looking at you or looking up to you? Who is relying on you? Who do you need to be a good role model for? 

What does a good role model look like? A role model is responsible, lifts others up, develops themselves for not only themselves but for social contribution. 

Do the work to level ourselves up. Think about service to others, and how can we help improve the world? This can motivate real change. 

Who in your life relies on you? Who needs to see you rise up so they can see what's possible, and can see you be your best right now? 

Yes, this might sound like a monumental challenge, but you've changed before. You've done difficult things before. You've tried new things and learned new things. You've risen up and overcome things that you never thought possible...and you're here and you're stronger now. 

But did it just stop there? In order to build up your self esteem, give yourself credit, integrate new learnings, celebrate your wins and accomplishment, and let that soak into your identity, so you become stronger, more confident, and more willing to serve. 

Remember you need to take personal responsibility for yourself and your actions. Become the hero of your own life, because no one is coming to save you. This doesn't mean you are alone, it means that you need to proactively ask for help...not just wait for someone to find you struggling. 

Why? Because most people don't know your dreams, desires, goals, ambitions, and thoughts...and you need to be vulnerable and express yourself so that people can help you. If people don't know how to support you, then you're going to be lonely. 

As Brian Tracy once said: "If you reach the top, and you're lonely at the top, you did it wrong."

This means that you didn't make connections, social contribution, relationships a priority along the way. 

Vocalize your goals, make connections, and ask for help, so others can support you. 

Be a role model by being your best self and showing others that you don't have to struggle alone. 

Hope that left you satisfied and smiling [that's what she said], 



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